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Interview with Hans-Henning Nielsen - E-commerce manager at Quickparts

Written by Ben Culpin | February 11, 2019

Earlier this month we published a new case, looking at how we were able to help independent wholesaler Quickparts by making their feeds more agile.

This time we've sat down and had a chat with Hans-Henning Nielsen, e-commerce manager at QuickParts (Tridan). We get his thoughts on the industry, feed marketing and what he thinks of the solutions we provide. 

1. Please tell us a bit about yourself and what Quickparts (Tridan) do.

Tridan is an old wholesales firm, established in 1977. We are specialized in appliance parts, vacuum maschine parts and so on. In 2012 we went online with a B2B webshop (tridan.dk) and B2C webshop (Quickparts.dk) and then we started a whole new game with selling directly to B2C sales. In 2015 we started a webshop in Sweden (Quickparts.se) and in 2017 we started a webshop in Norway (Quickpart.no).

In 2018 we launched a B2B version of Quickparts, to meet the growing demand from non-reselling companies. Our main focus is to help the customers to get the correct part to the best price and as quickly as possible.

I have worked in the e-commerce business since 2010, and from 2012 to 2015 I was a SEO and SEM specialist at an online marketing bureau. I was the online consultant for Quickparts from 2012-2015 and in 2015 I started full-time at Tridan/Quickparts as E-commerce manager.

In the last 3.5 years at Tridan/Quickparts I got experience with starting 2 completely new webshops in two different countries,  B2B sales and replaced a 20 year old ERP with a new and modern ERP system.


2.What drew you to start using Feed Marketing Solutions in the first place?

Our feeds got complex very quickly, as we have parts that have more than 20 MPN and Brands. Therefore we had a very large raw-feed and a lot of our description and names weren't very searchable. 

Combined with this, we had limited opportunities to adjust it via the webshop.

We therefore needed a Feed optimization tool, that could handle large feeds comprised of raw data. 


3. How did implementing WakeupData’s solutions empower your setup performance? 

After a little optimization we saw a big difference, we had less errors in Google Merchant center, Facebook feed and at Pricerunner. This gave us less costs per item and better CTR. 

In November 2018 we optimized the feed once more, merged 2 different feeds and this has made a huge increase in CTR and the ROAS is also improving. The costs on advertising are once again decreasing as well.


4. How quickly did you see improvements?

The first optimization we saw the improvements almost over night, the the second optimization took a little more time, but we saw the improvements in a couple of weeks.


5. Would you recommend WakeupData to other clients and online store owners?

I would definitely recommend WakeUpData, any day, to all the store owners I talk to (and are already recommending) – they are very competent in feed optimization and handling data.

We already have new optimizations in the pipeline, where we will be using WakeupData's skills to make our feeds and bids more accurate, to increase our CTR and ROAS even more.


Interested in finding out more about how feed marketing could help you to increase CTR and ROAS?

Talk to one of our Customer Success Managers today, hear other happy customer stories or visit the link below.