How weather is affecting online sales in Denmark
Posted on August 27, 2018 (Last Updated: October 13, 2023)
Neha Mirchandani from Clearhaus shares her insights into the impact of the recent hot weather on online sales.
As in the rest of Europe, this year's summer has been incredibly warm and sunny in Denmark. The Danes have rushed to the beaches, meaning less time is being spent in front of a screen - and this has affected online sales.
14% increase in sales since the rain began
The Danish merchant acquirer, Clearhaus, has analysed more than 5000 Danish webshops representing all categories and business types. In 2018, these online shops have, in total, received millions of online transactions. The results of the analysis clearly shows how much the change in weather has affected online sales. Since the grey and rainy clouds made their way to Denmark last month, online sales have increased by up to 14%.
Buying patterns change in the summer
It's quite normal for online transactions to dip during the summer months, but what's interesting is that people's buying habits also change. They tend to buy less during the sunny hours of the day and instead do their shopping in the late hours of the night. The third chart on the infographic shows how buying patterns differed from the average in this year's sunny July.
Books and yarn are making a comeback!
Compared to last month, bookshops sold 32% more in August. The coudy and rainy weather has a similar effect on yard shops - their sales were about 20% higher compared to sunny July.
"When it comes to selling yarn, we look forward to bad weather. When the weather is good, our customers spend their time outside in their gardens and not in front of the screen. The rain sends people indoors, back in front of the TV and back to their knitting needles."
Zuzana Madsen, Manager of Garn Specialisten (The Yarn Specialist)
Looking forward to Black Friday
Besides the weather, Danish webshops also benefit from holidays and other special occasions - especially Black Friday.
Claus Methmann Christensen, CEO at Clearhaus. CLICK TO TWEET