November Product Updates

Posted on November 1, 2023 (Last Updated: January 26, 2024)

Exciting Updates Coming Your Way!

Introducing Our New UI Layout

We're thrilled to share with you some exciting product updates that we've been diligently working on for quite some time.🏋️ Our primary goal has always been to improve your experience, and we believe these new changes will help you navigate our platform more efficiently. 

Introducing Our New UI Layout in response to clients’ input and our relentless pursuit of providing the best software solution for feed management. 

Don't worry, we've kept the core look and feel familiar, but you'll notice some enhancements that aim to make your experience smoother. Here are a few things we have done to enhance your work with the platform:

  • Streamlined Menu Structure: We've refined our menu structure for easier navigation. While the placement of most buttons remains unchanged, you'll find that it's more intuitive.

Streamlined Menu Structure

  • Enhanced Feature Overview: When you navigate to channel mapping, you'll now have the possibility to search for a field and easily scroll down—a feature we're confident will save you time.

    Screenshot 2023-11-07 115840

    We included a couple of screenshots within this blog so you can familiarise yourself with everything new.
Feature Overview
Clean & Elegant
Fully Responsive


Did You Spot These Features? While we're on the topic of improvements, we thought we'd highlight some features that you might have missed in recent releases:

  • Field Visualizer: Located under the 'More Options' button, these tools are here to simplify your workflow.
Field Visualizer
Clean & Elegant
Fully Responsive


  • Project Cloning & Channel Cloning: Cloning a project or channel has never been easier! You'll find these options in the 'More Options' menu, depending on which project page you're at.

Project Cloning
Clean & Elegant
Fully Responsive


Thank you for your continued trust and partnership. We're excited about these updates and are confident they'll bring value to your experience with us. As always, if you have any feedback or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Stay efficient!

P.S. Keep an eye out for more updates and improvements coming your way! Remember, we're always working to make our platform better for you.

Written by Kamelia Pusheva

Topics:Platform Updates

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