Optimising an online store for mobile commerce

Posted on June 3, 2024 (Last Updated: June 10, 2024)

With digitalisation, people of all ages are choosing the efficiency of shopping online. Mobile devices allow us to have everything in our pockets so making sure your store is optimised for mobile commerce to capture this growing market is a must. 

A seamless mobile experience delivers higher customer satisfaction and enhances your chances of turning casual browsers into loyal buyers. Why not look into these and start selling more starting today?

In this blog post, we'll explore actionable strategies to optimise your online store for mobile commerce, helping you stay ahead of the competition and meet your customers' expectations. 

Optimising for mobile commerce is critical for improving eCommerce website performance and client happiness. Mobile e-commerce sales account for 60% of overall e-commerce sales, indicating that mobile devices are the preferred shopping tool.

Mobile optimisation taps into a large client base and improves search engine rankings because Google prefers mobile-friendly websites. This results in more organic traffic, higher conversion rates, and greater consumer convenience. A flawless mobile experience also improves brand image by demonstrating professionalism and client concern.

Here are actionable strategies to optimise your online store for mobile commerce.

1. User Responsive Design

Select a Mobile-Responsive Theme: Choose a theme for your Content Management System (CMS) that inherently supports responsive design. These themes are designed to automatically adjust the layout, images, and text to fit the screen size of the device being used.

Use Theme Customisation Tools: These tools allow you to fine-tune your site’s appearance and functionality specifically for mobile users. You can preview how changes will look on different devices and make adjustments to improve the user experience.

Ensure Touch Interactions are Optimised: Design your interface to accommodate touch interactions. Consider the size of fingers and thumbs when creating buttons and other interactive elements to ensure they are easy to tap without causing frustration.

Prioritise Readability and Navigation: Use larger fonts and ensure there is ample spacing between elements to enhance readability on smaller screens. Simplify navigation menus and make sure they are easily accessible.

Optimise Images and Media: Large images and media files can slow down your site’s loading speed on mobile devices. Use responsive images that adjust their size based on the screen resolution and consider implementing lazy loading to improve performance.

Test Across Devices: Regularly test your website on various devices and screen sizes to identify and fix any issues. Tools like mobile-friendly test utilities can help you assess your site's performance on mobile.


2. Optimise Page Loading Speed

Loading speed is crucial for a positive user experience. Slow websites frustrate users and lead to cart abandonment. Improve your loading speed by:

  • Optimising Images.
  • Minimising HTTP Requests: Combine or minify files to reduce the number of server requests.
  • Using a CDN: A Content Delivery Network stores your content on multiple servers worldwide, ensuring faster load times for global users.

3. Simplify the Checkout Process

Streamline the mobile checkout process to maximize conversions:

  • Reduce Form Length: Keep forms to fewer than six fields and show progress if multiple steps are necessary.
  • Top-Align Form Labels: This improves readability while typing.
  • Allow Guest Checkout: Minimize friction by not requiring account creation.
  • Integrate Popular Payment Methods: Include options like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal for quick, secure transactions. 


    Did you know we have a ton of educational content available for free? You can strengthen your omnichannel efforts by utilising the power of Local Inventory Ads, making a seamless connection between local physical stores and online. 

4. Implement Mobile-Specific Features

Enhance navigation and usability for mobile users:

  • Intuitive Design: Use large, clickable buttons and simple menus.
  • Swipe Navigation: Allow users to swipe through product images for a more engaging experience.

5. Prioritize Mobile SEO

Optimize your content for mobile searches to increase visibility:

  • Concise, Scannable Content: Create easily digestible content for small screens.
  • Local SEO: Use location-specific keywords and create Google My Business profiles for physical stores.
  • Structured Data Markup: Enhance your chances of appearing in rich snippets and mobile SERP features.

6. Continuous Testing

As mobile customer expectations evolve rapidly, continuous testing is vital. Perform A/B and multivariate tests to identify which features improve conversion rates. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to analyze performance and make data-driven decisions.

Optimizing your online store for mobile commerce is no longer optional—it's a necessity. By implementing responsive design, enhancing page loading speed, simplifying the checkout process, integrating mobile-specific features, prioritizing mobile SEO, and continuously testing, you can create a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience for your mobile customers. As the mobile commerce trend continues to rise, staying ahead of the curve will ensure your eCommerce business thrives in this competitive landscape.

There are many ways in which Product Feed Management tools can add value to product feeds for digital marketers and online store owners. For example, consider A/B testing all essential elements of your product feed for even better results

For more info, you can check out our resources section, where we outline Client Cases, more explanatory videos and e-book downloads.

Talk to us today if you have any questions, or get your free, 14-day trial via the link below.  


Written by Kamelia Pusheva

Topics:tips & tricksProduct Feed OptimizationEcommerce Strategiesinsights

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