Stronger Together: WakeupData joins forces with Channable

Posted on June 11, 2024 (Last Updated: June 19, 2024)

A New Era in eCommerce Excellence

As Walter Payton once said " We are stronger together, than we are alone", we believe the same. We are beyond excited to share some wonderful news that will advance our services and broaden our horizons thus the ones of our clients. WakeupData has officially been acquired by Channable, the premier multichannel platform for eCommerce in the Netherlands. This merger is far from a business transaction, it’s a strategic alignment that promises remarkable growth, enhanced innovation, and unprecedented opportunities for our clients and team. 


Expanding Our Presence: WakeupData’s New Role in the Nordics

One of the most exciting aspects of this acquisition is that our Aarhus office will now serve as Channable’s first base in the Nordic region. This move signifies a massive leap forward, expanding our influence and capabilities across Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. 

Imagine the possibilities: combining our deep local expertise with Channable’s cutting-edge technology and extensive international reach - it is a formula for successful clients. This merger positions us to better understand and meet the unique needs of the Nordic market, ensuring our clients receive the best possible solutions tailored to their specific requirements. We can not be happier to join forces and keep delivering flexible and personalised feed management solutions.

Did you know we have a ton of educational content available for free? You can strengthen your omnichannel efforts by utilising the power of Local Inventory Ads, making a seamless connection between local physical stores and online. 

Enhanced Client Services: Power and Personalization Combined

Our clients are at the heart of everything we do, and this union is designed with your success in mind. By integrating Channable’s robust platform and tools into our offerings, we’re empowering you to take your eCommerce game to new heights.

You’ll have access to an advanced suite of tools that streamline processes, optimize product listings, and enhance visibility across a staggering array of digital marketplaces, advertising platforms, and price comparison sites. Imagine being able to advertise millions of products seamlessly, reaching a broader audience than ever before.

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And while we’re expanding our technological capabilities, rest assured that the personalized, local support you value from WakeupData will remain unchanged. Our dedicated team, who knows your business and understands your needs, will continue to provide the exceptional service and customized solutions you’ve come to rely on.

Unmatched Market Reach: Scale Like Never Before

In today’s competitive eCommerce landscape, reach is everything. We will equip you with the ability to scale your operations like never before. With Channable’s platform, you can now effortlessly advertise products across over 2,500 digital marketplaces, advertising platforms, and price comparison sites. Awesome, right? 

Think about the potential this unlocks: tapping into new markets, attracting a diverse array of customers, and significantly boosting your product visibility. This expanded reach not only enhances your brand presence but also drives substantial growth in sales and revenue.


Voices from the Leadership

The enthusiasm from our leadership team underscores the significance of this acquisition. Steffen L. Jørgensen, CEO of WakeupData, shared his excitement about the future:

“With Channable’s robust platform and resources, we are in a strong position to strengthen our market leadership in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Combining our local expertise and personal service with Channable’s cutting-edge technology and international reach is a win-win for everyone!”

Rob van Nuenen, CEO of Channable, echoed these sentiments, highlighting the synergy between the two companies:

“From our very first conversations, it was clear that both companies share the same vision and values. We are driven by a healthy company culture and a commitment to innovation. This merger feels like a natural fit, and we are excited to bring our teams together to serve our clients better than ever.


Celebrating Our Journey and Looking Ahead

As we embark on this new chapter, we reflect with pride on everything we’ve accomplished at WakeupData. Our journey has been marked by innovation, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to our clients. This union with Channable is not just a continuation of our story but an exciting evolution that promises even greater success.

We extend our deepest gratitude to our incredible team, whose hard work and passion have been instrumental in getting us to this point. To our loyal clients, thank you for your trust and support. We are committed to continuing to deliver the exceptional service and innovative solutions you deserve.

Stay tuned for more updates and exciting developments as we move forward together. The future is bright, and we are thrilled to have you with us on this journey.

Together with Channable, we’re poised to set new benchmarks in the eCommerce industry. Here’s to a future filled with growth, innovation, and unparalleled success. Thank you for being a part of our story.

Let’s continue to achieve greatness, stronger together!

❓❓❓We are sure some of you might be curious and have some questions in mind, that is why we have created a FAQ page that we will keep updating. You can access it here.❓❓❓

There are many ways in which Product Feed Management tools can add value to product feeds for digital marketers and online store owners. For example, consider A/B testing all essential elements of your product feed for even better results

For more info, you can check out our resources section, where we outline Client Cases, more explanatory videos and e-book downloads.

Talk to us today if you have any questions, or get your free, 14-day trial via the link below.  


Written by Kamelia Pusheva

Topics:NewsPartnershipProduct Feed OptimizationPress Release

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